I killed a stray cow, its blood boiled in its veins.
But a stray cow meant that humans lived somewhere near.
On this morning, some of their children and grandchildren had arrived to help round up some stray cows.
A few stray cows and sheep were only seen occasionally.
In the early 1940's there was little order to keep; a bicycle stopped for having no light, a stray cow on the road.
After being scared awake by a stray cow the very next morning they get back on the road.
One of the soldiers had found a stray cow, its udders full.
Food supplies ultimately ran short and one day they found a stray cow wandering about.
He works to bring every stray cow to a better place.
Neighboring ranchers did not seem to mind if a stray cow got onto Josie's land and ended up as meat for her table.