He could move slowly in this fashion, though even a stray breeze could divert him.
Alas, in his current form, even a stray breeze would drive him before it as a shepherd does lambs, and there was nothing h,.
"Right now, yes," Richard countered, squinting slightly as a stray breeze brought smoke to his face.
So I kept the window open, even the drapes, hoping for a stray breeze.
It came faintly at first, like gentle whispers on a stray breeze.
But at least once each day a stray breeze carried fresh proof of their presence.
I had felt the stray breeze through the bent area.
It is so warm that all across the city, windows are left open to catch every stray breeze, every cool breath of air.
A stray breeze brought back his laughter as he rode out of camp.
A stray breeze came out of the south, smelling hot, slightly acrid.