A patch of yellow against the clear blue sky, the plane looked like a stray bird that had lost its way.
A stray bird stopping over on Saint Paul Island, Alaska on August 4-9, 1997 was the first recorded occurrence of this species in the USA.
The Eurasian species of black geese have a more coastal distribution compared to the grey geese which share the same general area of occurrence, not being found far inland even in winter (except for occasional stray birds or individuals escaped from captivity).
They replace each other geographically; stray birds may settle down with breeders of the other species and hybridize.
But stray birds, often blown off course by hurricanes, have been seen in the Caribbean.
At last-at long last -the great flock passed, stray birds trailing from the ragged fringe of it as it crossed the mountain and disappeared.
Nietzsche called them "thoughts out of season," and Tagore his "stray birds."
Only a few stray birds circled above the horizon.
It is very similar to the black-and-white Manx Shearwater of the Atlantic, and stray birds out of their usual range are very difficult to identify with certainty.
Bird v. Holbrook is an 1825 English case also of great relevance, where a spring-gun set to protect a tulip garden injured a trespasser who was recovering a stray bird [1].