Black hands still turn blood red working the strawberry fields.
Holding Sam's hand, he crossed the road and began walking with them into the strawberry field.
"We're so suburban and it reminds us that strawberry fields were here not long ago."
For this reason, one such area in Fiordland is called the strawberry fields.
The property, including the strawberry field, had f6rmerly belonged to Charlie's parents, people of means who used it as a summer retreat.
They came up into the daylight right next to Strawberry Fields.
During the 19th century, its lower fringes were grubbed out to make strawberry fields.
Some have created original fields, Strawberry Field being the most exquisite.
Presently the village is the site of several commercial fruit orchards and strawberry fields.
He then added another verse and the mention of Strawberry Fields.