These iron formations are located at roughly the same stratigraphic position as the magnetite-bearing iron formation on the southwestern shore of Net Lake.
The stratigraphic position of the site was carefully documented by the collectors and detailed in Lovelace, 2006.
The Graticulaceae closely resemble the Cretaceous Solenoporaceae, and are only really differentiated by their stratigraphic position.
The stratigraphic position of the Thomson slates (Minnesota), American Journal of Science, v. 3, p. 159-166.
The composition of these mudstones varies greatly depending on position on geographic location and stratigraphic position.
It is classified as a member of the Banner Formation and occupies the same stratigraphic position as the Mahomet sand.
Thus, the current metamorphic mineralogy of a komatiite will reflect the chemistry, which in turn represents an inference as to its volcanological facies and stratigraphic position.
This allows to replace most of the ammonoids he described in their original stratigraphic position, an accomplishment rarely achieved by paleontologists in the late 19th Century.
He has authored several papers that discuss the relationship between stratigraphic position and phylogenetic topology.
The Alum Bluff Group are defined by the stratigraphic position and mollusks contained within.