Starting in 1975, the excavators at Gatecliff removed stratigraphic layers one by one based on their natural levels.
Within these holes, the discarded objects and pottery sherds were mixed into a loose mass of debris with no discernible stratigraphic layers.
In this way, the log data is only used for generating statistics within similar rock types within the stratigraphic layers of the earth.
From the north east of Latham to the South west you can pass up through the stratigraphic layers of volcanics.
All of the fossils occurred in the same stratigraphic layers.
The locality has been determined to be on or in close proximity to the stratigraphic layer of C. montanus, and not too many miles away.
Granophyre may have formed as the upper most stratigraphic layer resulting from melting of bed rock by a meteorite impact.
However, the phylogenetic picture has been complicated by the discovery in Asia of both ancestral and derived carpolestids in the same stratigraphic layer.
Trench excavations of the east and west wall of the cave revealed 16 major sequential stratigraphic layers.
These first mines worked copper-filled fissure veins that cut across stratigraphic layers.