The strategy originally called for a huge aerial bombardment followed almost simultaneously by ground forces moving to secure targets in southern Iraq, including oil fields.
Once you have estimated the likely on-site waste, your strategy for managing it must follow the 'waste hierarchy'.
"It's too early to know what strategy will follow this vote," he said.
They were three games out and didn't let the strategy follow through.
He uses those notes before the next game to remind his crew of what story lines and strategies to follow.
But there is little agreement on what strategy to follow.
Ten years from now, if scientists still think climate change is worrisome, other strategies may follow, he said.
The new strategy follows other Giuliani administration proposals that look for private-sector solutions to government problems.
However, I voted against the report on agricultural product quality policy: what strategy to follow?.
The strategy followed at Essen, rather than leaving each country to its own devices, was primarily aimed at inspiring a mutual learning process.