One common strategy deployed by retailers is the use of "flankers."
It's definitely a defensive strategy being deployed, but it's also part of their increasing energy to add customers to their data base.
The strategy, conceived and deployed by Bob Arum, De La Hoya's promoter, made the welterweight a rich man, but it has not garnered him the kind of respect that he believes he deserves in the boxing world.
The strategies deployed by feminist artists parallel those by artists working in activist art.
This project will explore the strategies deployed by three institutions committed to developing more equitable staff policies and practices in the hope that illumination of particular change contexts will be of value to other institutions wishing to make similar changes.
The same strategy, deployed by the Americans, overwhelmed Japan in the Pacific from 1943 onwards.
The result was the duplication of a strategy deployed by the post-World War I government of a country-wide investment programme in a national public house building scheme.
It was the kind of strategy deployed by Dan Reeves, and which got him bounced from the job.
The recent difficulties in the financial markets have shown that many of the strategies deployed by managers of alternative investment funds are vulnerable to some or even many risks affecting investors, other market players and the markets themselves.
As with the national strategies deployed in those countries, the accession partnerships have opened the way to successful future negotiations and, hopefully, their eventual integration in the European Union.