You need strategic vulnerability too.
AFSI believes that a strong Israel is essential to U.S. security and that the Jewish towns in these areas are the best guarantee against strategic vulnerability.
Setser's argument is that U.S. reliance on foreign governments for credit is an "underappreciated strategic vulnerability."
Until the nation faces up to that fact, it will remain dependent on a few important producers, and its economic and strategic vulnerability will continue.
Another aspect which can be compared through such Monte Carlo simulations is strategic vulnerability.
After gaining independence in 1991 Kazakhstan moved to address strategic vulnerabilities of the energy system.
However, this very success masks a serious strategic vulnerability.
Mao required internal political equilibrium in order to protect China from the strategic and military vulnerabilities that resulted from its political isolation from the community of nations.
Oil continues to be a major source both of America's strategic vulnerability and of its reputation as a bully, in the Islamic world and beyond.
Germany's strategic vulnerability, sandwiched between its allied rivals, led to the development of the audacious (and incredibly expensive) Schlieffen Plan.