I respect his strategic judgment.
But let's be careful - with strategic moral judgments as well as with fighting troops.
Regardless of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's failings, the ultimate failure was one of strategic judgment, and the responsibility for that must rest with the president.
Bosnia demands not just a humanitarian call, but also a political and strategic judgment.
Matthew Yglesias points out that the first raises a question of fact, the second a question of strategic judgment.
Although the latter's rivalry with Patton was well known, Montgomery appears to have admired Patton's ability to command troops in the field, if not his strategic judgment.
No government can avoid making strategic judgments about technologically advanced programs.
But there may be strategic judgment, as well as frustration, behind Justice Ginsburg's new style.
The record of the sentencing proceedings suggests that counsels' failure to investigate the defendant's background stemmed from inattention, not strategic judgment.
Giscard had studied Kuzak's record, and he had a lively respect for her strategic judgment.