While others have done the shouting and cajoling, Mallinder has kept the strategic imperatives in focus.
Early on, McGuinty set down three strategic imperatives.
The Democrats' strategic imperative is getting the political debate back to domestic issues - notably the economy.
The new strategic imperative is to focus the private and public sectors on the processes and technologies regarding the sustainable consumption of our natural resources.
Given both parties' strategic imperatives, it was almost inevitable that this would become an ideological debate about government.
The United States must "balance humane impulses with strategic imperatives."
Okosi identified 3 key strategic imperatives for driving the success of the channel.
Despite this disappointment, however, we must look to the future and to the Union's strategic imperatives.
However, in this area the EU not only faces the strategic imperative of guaranteeing security of supply.
The personalities of the candidates and their strategic imperatives also play a role.