The ECO processes export applications according to legislation covering strategic exports.
Despite recent improvements in East-West relations, senior Reagan Administration officials say they are not about to ease controls on strategic exports to the Soviet Union.
Several European officials said the discussions had ground to a halt because the Bush Administration had failed to appoint people to oversee policy on strategic exports.
The Government has decreed wood a strategic export.
Second, tighten the alliance's monitoring of strategic exports and prosecution of violators.
The influence of that post, which deals with arms sales and policy on strategic exports, has waned in recent years.
It examines the Government's expenditure, administration and policy on strategic exports and the licensing of arms exports and other controlled goods.
It was this Washington Department which enforced the restrictions on strategic exports to the Soviet Union and its friends.
The remit of the committee is to examine the Government's expenditure, administration and policy on strategic exports (licensing of arms exports and other controlled goods).
Worse, it seeks to apply American law to foreign companies everywhere, even though all of the Western allies, by mutual agreement, maintain their own regulation of strategic exports.