He further argued that this was a step towards achieving "strategic equilibrium" in the near future, based on Maoist theories of waging people's war.
Through his committee, he developed various scenarios of nuclear proliferation, the development of intercontinental and submarine missiles with atomic warheads, and the controversial strategic equilibrium called mutual assured destruction.
"They can be very proud of the fact that we have achieved a strategic equilibrium on the Indian Subcontinent that is in favor of Pakistan."
"What we all want now," Mr. Worner said, "is to establish a basis on which to stabilize Europe without changing the military and strategic equilibrium."
"In our assessment, we had reached a strategic equilibrium of military power," Krishna Bahadur Mahara, a Maoist leader, said in an interview here, speaking freely now that a $70,000 bounty has been lifted from his head.
"Two examples of strategic equilibrium."
Building on their recent string of military successes, Axis attachés and sympathizers will press Asian countries to get off the fence very soon, before we can recover any strategic equilibrium.
Shining Path declared that, in Maoist terminology, it had reached "strategic equilibrium" and was ready to begin its final assault on the cities of Peru.
This involves moving to a new strategic equilibrium in the external relations of the European Union after the priority given to the central and eastern European countries in recent years.