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There appears to be no easy answer for TiVo's strategic dilemma.
W. Edmund Clark, Toronto-Dominion's president and chief executive, said he wanted to avoid the "strategic dilemma of Canadian banks being trapped in Canada."
The old strategic dilemmas had not been resolved.
Geran didn't quite understand that part, since he was pondering a strategic dilemma just then.
The strategic dilemma facing the Luftwaffe in the autumn 1943 was a serious one.
You are on the horns of a strategic dilemma, ol' man.
The strategic dilemma flows from both: the more tightly connected we become, socially and financially, the more vulnerable we are to any breakdown in the system.
That said, the strategic dilemma is clear.
This may hypothetically be accredited to differing strategic dilemmas of respective governments at the time the conflicts began.
Soult recognized Wellington's strategic dilemma and took advantage by launching surprise attacks on both wings of the Anglo-Allied army.