The center began in 2001 as the Youth Media Council, devoted to "media capacity building, strategic coordination, and media accountability."
Shatterproof acrylic face shields feature built-in microphones to allow continuous strategic coordination of every man in the force.
The IBRD provides financial services as well as strategic coordination and information services to its borrowing member countries.
Providing strategic coordination as required.
This is apparently for strategic coordination, instead of an outright merger.
The most glaring example of the lack of strategic coordination occurred in the spring and early summer of 1863.
"And the strategic coordination between the Americans and the Mexicans has never been greater."
The ties involve strategic coordination and the pull of his personality.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe it to be essential that we move towards integration of national defence markets and even strategic coordination of their production.
For this, we also need strategic coordination on a global scale.