Blue Steel was officially retired on 31 December 1970, with the United Kingdom's strategic nuclear capacity passing to the submarine fleet.
In 1976 he headed Team B, a team of analysts organized by the Central Intelligence Agency who analyzed the strategic capacities and goals of the Soviet military and political leadership.
He and Grant believed that the Civil War would end only if the Confederacy's strategic, economic, and psychological capacity for warfare were decisively broken.
It is a new approach to strengthening the intellectual and strategic capacity of workers' organisations and to establish much stronger working relationships between trade/labour unions, the ILO, and the scientific community.
But by special commission, he had retained his strategic advisory capacity to the president.
In this strategic capacity, CIOs take the lead role in integrating information and technology management and performance across the entire information life cycle.
Capacity management is focused on strategic capacity, including capacity of personnel (e.g., human resources, staffing and training), system capacity, and component (or tactical) capacity.
And on the various powerful but unseen committees that sit in contemplation of Britain's future defence policy, the consequent evaporation of any strategic productive capacity in less glamorous areas is causing unease.
In October 2009, Rackham reengaged with Huthwaite's current President & CEO in a strategic advisory capacity.
As Chavez purged the union of its long-term leaders and loyalty to Chavez became the primary criterion for employment, the UFWA lost its strategic capacity.