As many people observed yesterday, the sight of clear blue skies without a contrail to be seen was strangely uplifting.
Yet "The Memory Artists" is a pleasure to read; it's strangely uplifting to spend time with these flawed but humane characters.
Brand kept reporters rolling with laughter during a panel for his upcoming FX series, "Strangely Uplifting," where he was also asked for his take on the Republican presidential candidates.
Castro's withered time-capsule promises to be like nowhere else you've ever visited: economically poor but culturally rich; visibly mildewed but architecturally magnificent; infuriating but at the same time strangely uplifting.
The words were strangely uplifting.
It is funny, clever, bizarre, hallucinatory and strangely uplifting.
The only thing that was strangely uplifting about it was Susan and Sheena.
Visiting Sarajevo is both humbling and strangely uplifting, finds Adrian Bridge.
The heat and noise were extraordinary, but it was a strangely uplifting experience - hilarious and touching, as if those gathered were still learning how to be tourists and weren't quite sure how it was done.
The import of this strangely uplifting play is that caring is everything.