His eyes were still busy with their visions and they were strangely dull and shining all at once, shining and far away.
Of everything I had seen in this modern age, nothing, simply nothing, compared to the simple beauty of this ice, glittering and sparkling around this strangely dull container of water.
The furore has at least livened up the campaign - one which Channel 4's John Snow says has been strangely dull until now.
The first marks the debut of her Chief Inspector Reginald Wexford of the town of Kingsmarkham, in the case of a strangely dull murder...
She waved a small, bent black rod, perhaps an inch in diameter, that had a strangely dull look.
Planet 4 of the Tychos Star System was a strangely dull, lifeless-looking one.
The floor jumped as from the blow of some mighty hammer, and the plane gave a great shudder in answer to a strangely dull, booming explosion.
When I saw the show in New York in 1983, I thought it strangely dull, considering it was based on Fellini's marvelous "8 1/2."
Yet the ball itself is strangely dull, costumed in drab midnight blues to contrast Cinderella's powder blue gown.
The unfound door was still here, its hinges still hooked to nothing, but now it had a strangely dull look.