Yet it would have had to be strangely dark for his feet to have missed this path.
He sleeps and dreams of an enormous wave making its way toward him over the mesas under a strangely dark sun.
The animal had been the size of a large rabbit, but the unsinged remnants of fur were strangely dark.
India Today magazine described the book as 'epic', dazzling' and 'strangely dark".
Everything was becoming strangely dark, as if a film was forming over his eyes.
The figure stood motionless near the barn door, strangely dark, even about the face.
It was already eight-thirty, but strangely dark in the condo with all of the blinds closed.
There was a rush of cold air, and his strangely dark and bright harpoon appeared in his hand.
His breathing became ragged and his eyes were strangely dark with passion.
One night, the bright bustling streets of Chinatown seemed strangely dark and unfeeling.