And she may be strangely calm or happy when her child's condition is getting worse.
Tabor asked, in a strangely calm voice.
The scene was High Deryni strangely calm and peaceful, almost like a dream.
Chapter Six Shef woke in the morning feeling strangely calm and rested.
Valentine's body was back under control and he felt strangely calm and placid.
"I don't suppose we'll reach the docking bay after all," Garth said in the same strangely calm voice.
She felt strangely calm and confident in this man's presence.
Leo, looking strangely calm and happy, lay now upon a couch, the arms folded on his breast.
His expression was strangely calm and placid.
Her voice was strangely calm and casual, and the magician answered her in the same tone.
Yet the familial milieu, deep-dyed local color and laggardly tempo - along with Garrison's leafy quietude - soothed her: "There in the midst of so much that is foreign," she writes, "I find myself strangely calm."
Then Rufo settled on the bench and calmed strangely, staring up unblinkingly at Dean Thobicus.
Holly found herself strangely calm.
Cisco and Skye notice how strangely calm the city is, aside from isolated reports of looting, protests and suicides.
Now, though, when there was something to hide from her, I found myself strangely calm.
It left him strangely calm.