It was manlike in shape, but the outline was strangely alien - abnormal - though she could not clearly define that abnormality.
Things looked strangely alien, artificial.
Now it was reflecting a distant image of Inos herself, her fine gown of pale green, her golden hair piled high and seeming strangely alien in Arakkaran now, even to her.
The ocean looks cold and distant, the crashing of the waves strangely alien.
Still, though the Courthouse's front stairs are a New York institution, the building is a strangely alien presence: a Midwestern office building atop a Washington refugee.
travellers,' Sephrenia replied in Styric, her tone strangely alien.
She came out from among the willows, a strangely alien figure in a futuristic diamante sheath of grey satin, her mind carefully guarded.
"Despite more than 200 years of political practice in the United States, democracy remains an ideology strangely alien to many corporate boardrooms," he told his audience.
His was a fruity West Country accent, but it sounded strangely alien in Dorian's ears.
- Terry's face reddened and he was suddenly 'Very flustered, the box of rubbers strangely alien in his palm.