After absorbing the first batch of strange-sounding names this is a book which is difficult to put down.
He showed them to her, and she bent over the maps, enthralled at the strange-sounding names, Nandi, Canton Island, and Honolulu.
Another telling signal of the end of a bull market, he said, could be a bulge in the volume of new issues, including "fledgling companies with strange-sounding names," coming to market.
To the Editor: Emerging from the subway in Lower Manhattan, I didn't know how to reach my destination - a small street with a strange-sounding name.
Anyway, by the time Stevens' book was published in 1987, the network had devised or discovered a whole new pharmacopoeia with strange-sounding names.
Beginning with the 200-ton telharmonium, and on through at least a dozen instruments with strange-sounding names and even stranger sounds, proponents of the new wired music delighted in making previously unimaginable noises.
Faraway places with strange-sounding names.
It became a favourite of mine and all the pictures of faraway places with those strange-sounding names.
More and moresynthetics, all competitors to down, are on the scene, many with strange-sounding names.
I want details of any staff we employ with foreign or strange-sounding names - or foreign backgrounds of any kind.