The strange sightings had left him hyped; now the corp was telling them they were here for something different.
The schoolhouse is allegedly haunted by former members of the town and residents over the years have reported strange sightings there.
When the halls were opened to visitors in 1983, there were several reports of strange sightings, dizziness and other disturbances felt by guests.
She just said that there had been some strange sightings, and there might be an ancient or two left.
Workers on that site also spoke of strange sightings, and some left the work site early, claiming the presence of evil spirits.
A large concrete edifice, the abandoned slaughterhouse had been the site of many strange sightings and the subject of local ghost stories for over 20 years.
On Nemo, the two strange sightings had been heard only too clearly, leaving Jeff Lawrence with a difficult decision.
By this time in most investigations of strange sightings, the mystery would have been solved.
We have looked into many reports of strange sightings, phenomena... rumors.
Another strange sighting was more recent in 1958 by a footman.