His comset was unrecognizable, fused into the worktop as if the whole were some strange, smooth sculpture of twisted black marble.
A spider-like sculpture stands over the entrance to the club whose inner decor includes graffiti covered walls and other strange sculptures.
Poems and songs, books and paintings, architecture, as well as some strange and interesting sculpture.
This strange sculpture is neither welded together nor painted, contrary to your first impressions.
"I don't think he'll forget you," Blackstone said as he put his hand next to a particularly strange wrought-iron sculpture.
Her mind was busy sorting the information she'd gotten from Kirk concerning the dream, and the matter of the strange little sculpture, something new she would have to investigate.
The collection includes Dalí's strange sculptures (most in reproduction), lithographs, many of his illustrations and furniture (including the famous 'lips' sofa).
Normally he would have enjoyed the exploration, with its splendid view of the lagoon, the strange sculpture, the steep ground.
Laid shells there, perfect ones, skins, set up the strange knobby sculptures that meant something important to them.
Around her were the crushed hulks of cars, taxis and trucks, some of them melted together to form strange sculptures of metal.