Strangely, in the early days of the strips he often took a strange resemblance of a monkey (the features on his face especially).
Those eyes had a strange resemblance to The Shadow's!
The thought in each mind was the same: "What a strange resemblance!"
Piecing the information together, the civilization began to take on a strange resemblance to that of humanity.
His beard and his hot gaze gave him a strange resemblance to the old man who had once told her to Be true.
Some of them rode in limousines, but others took the bus and bore a strange resemblance to the boy next door.
In the dead face of Kwa, Cardona caught the strange resemblance.
Wade laughed at the strange resemblance to a puppy chasing its tail.
When he came suddenly upon another beast his quick crouch bore a strange resemblance to the arching of a cat's back.
It was considered by some to have "a strange resemblance to a 4-door Eagle Talon".