It was a strange joy that he voiced.
She craved the strange joy of hearing her love for Bertrand issue from his mouth.
Then he smiled, a secret inner smile of such strange joy that Astinus, watching the exchange between the two, rose to his feet.
It often caused her pain, but at the same time made her want to laugh with a strange new joy.
I was filled with a strange joy because she felt the same way I did: that we couldn't survive apart.
There's a strange joy to be found in fear.
After she'd left Milton that afternoon, she'd been filled with hope, even with a kind of strange joy.
The news of this nomination was received with strange joy.
Sometimes even, it would start at night, and sound gently through the darkness, seized by strange joy, awakened, one could not tell why.
Shadow accepted it, completely and without reservation, and he walked through the door into nothing with a strange fierce joy.