It was a strange little gathering, here in the Great Hall of Tremane's manor.
He seemed comfortable in this strange gathering, anyway.
It was a small, three-dimensional picture - four Andalites, standing all together, looking like a strange gathering of deer with solemn faces.
His presence here-alive-made some kind of sense of this strange gathering.
I have called him the oldest man in that strange gathering, and so undoubtedly he was.
This clinched the matter, and the strange gathering began to break up.
"A strange gathering," he murmured, "to be seen anywhere, but especially on a hook and ladder."
This gave Captain Sheridan a chance to look around at the strange gathering.
Kim glanced at Mairelon, to see whether he had had his fill of watching this strange gathering.
With such a strange gathering to wait on, was it likely the girl would miss the chance of a pleasant distraction for her master?