The Enforcer is running in a strange stiff upright gait with his arms down to his sides.
At 6 feet 3 inches, bulky and awkward, he walks with a strange, teeter-tottering gait.
The figure came toward him, moving with a strange and jerky gait, until it stood only a few feet away.
He had a strange gait but was a natural leader and tended to coach the forwards while the game was in progress.
He walked with that strange, bowlegged gait Riker remembered.
The young Bajoran had a strange gait, a rolling limp that drew the doctor's eyes immediately.
A small, dark figure with a strange gait appeared on the horizon.
Following from a safe distance, Martin noticed Werner had a strange gait.
"He would walk with a strange gait and fall a lot," she said.
There was a low thundering, like a heavy thing running with a strange gait.