Upon arrival, they notice very strange clay-encrusted footprints leading to the arboretum.
No strange footprints coming.
Let there be strange footprints in high snowfields, green ruins in endless jungles, bells beneath the sea; echo valleys and cities of gold.
On the surface, Leijten and La Forge discover another shuttlecraft, empty; strange footprints are seen near it.
In a few unemotional words she told of finding the strange footprints, and described her uncontrollable panic.
Looking back and forth from his own footprints to the one he had just found, Bellows realized that the strange footprint must be fairly fresh.
We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown.
I think these days the strangest footprint, which has gotten everybody's attention, is so-called dark energy.
She left strange footprints in the bloody sawdust.
There was nobody actually in the house, otherwise there would be strange footprints to find.