A new trade," repeated Grant, with a strange exultation, "a new profession!
He walked about and saw and felt a strange exultation.
Arutha felt a gut-wrenching stab of panic, followed immediately by a strange exultation.
Baltazar smiled, but it was a frightening smile, tight-lipped, and filled with a strange and sudden exultation.
The strange exultation that so often seems to accompany hard fighting came upon me.
But he felt, too, a strange exultation; she was dying but what a way to die!
The dictator of France felt a strange exultation running through him, as with deep breaths he inhaled the potent fumes.
The eyes were alight with a strange mad exultation, but what caused Luke to catch his breath was the sight of Ellsworthy's hands.
They nodded, eyes alight-gripped, like him, by the strange exultation, verging on madness, of combat.
She became peaceful too, at the same time possessed with a strange exultation.