With a strange delicacy, the beast carried the reinforced framework from where it had taken shape on the reef shelf into deeper water-where it sank.
Guarded by the men, Siris and Ingeld wandered far afield, carrying baskets woven from alfa grass, and returned with all kinds of strange delicacies.
They look for the Viscount, but only discover a strange meat cooking in the fireplace, and conclude that it is a strange delicacy being prepared for them.
We wonder about the cooking, too, which has a strange delicacy that defies its setting.
Lawler felt the sharp curved claws lightly digging into his flesh, gripping him with strange, mystifying delicacy.
He ran one sensuous palm down his side, enjoying the texture of that strange, embossed delicacy in a fabric thinner than gauze.
But out of that crude physicality come images of hauntingly strange delicacy and beauty.
There was a strange delicacy to it.
What possesses people to eat pufferfish, hornets, live ants, fish eyes and other strange delicacies, wonders Xanthe Clay.
Swan had the strange delicacy of a chipped and shopworn figurine, all the more striking because he wasn't handsome, let alone pretty.