Instead, the white marble - glowing now, even in the bright sunlight - framed a strange and twisted bit of landscape.
It is instead a heartfelt mash note to a strange and wonderful bit of nature in the center of the city.
This was just one more strange bit of folklore tacked onto the Apollo era, which was itself fast fading into legend.
But at the same time - in a strange bit of paradox - this is a game that will disappoint almost every Lost fan.
This was a strange bit of information.
Very strange - but that last outrageous bit was absolutely true, scarily true.
It might bring this strange and bothersome bit of wasted effort on her part to an end.
The strangest bit, she said, was when they reached the beam.
No, he's not the slightest bit strange, is he?
Lovely indeed, but just a tiny bit strange.