I was by no means certain that he had noticed the sounds in question; although, assuredly, a strange alteration had, during the last few minutes, taken place in his demeanour.
The scheme was running smoothly until judges in the city Parking Violations Bureau began to notice strange alterations in some tickets, prosecutors said.
The crystals were gone forever, and now that their strange alteration in the Barrier was known, there was no way to warn other ships... "Uhura!
Now he is civil and respectful and such a strange alteration was wrought in the child that all the parish that rung of his villainy before was now ready to talk of his reformation.
No new types of reports, no strange alterations of routine paper.
Heart of my father, what a strange alteration has half a year's haunting of ordinaries wrought in this fellow!
The wind snapped the pennons on their staffs, snatched the barks of the camp dogs from their mouths; and carried from Forgetful's walls suddenly the war viol's surrender song, and blew it around the camp with strange alteration.
Here's a strange alteration!
Still following the directions given him by Cathy, and pondering what seemed strange alterations in weather and time of day, in half an hour Bill Burdon came in sight of El Tovar.
The two Servingmen come forward] First Servingman Here's a strange alteration!