But unless one did this, after the first few thou- sand steps strange aches developed in the thighs and calves.
The tough old hands ached with a strange new ache, yet Flint did not stop playing.
Fury warred with a strange ache in Gaspare's heart.
There was a strange ache in my chest like the pressure of tears.
It was what she had thought only minutes before, so why did she feel this strange little ache to hear him repeat the sentiment?
Haplo paused, a strange, lonely ache constricting his heart.
With a strange little ache, he recalled the tune they had seen each other nude.
There was such a strange, dreadful ache in her heart which she must hide from every one.
Noticing a strange ache in his right hand, he looked down to see that he was still gripping his blade.
It was full of strange aches; voices too.