The rescuer arriver on the scene, passed a tow wire to the stranded boat, and pulled her off at the next high tide.
Although the port is now mainly dry, a few stranded boats remain.
Although seriously wounded, he managed to get the stranded boat to shore with the help of several sailors and save the crew and the ship from sinking.
Of my frantic ascent of the slope and cliff, and of my delirious journey back to the stranded boat, I remember little.
As I crawled into the stranded boat I realised that only one theory could explain my position.
Insane with fear, the mariner flees back to his stranded boat, and vaguely recalls a "great storm".
F2838 on a relief expedition to drop food to a stranded boat, the Greenfly.
We were told what to do and then left, as the instructor went to the other end of the loch to shout instructions at a few stranded boats.
They also knew that to anyone monitoring the radio, a refusal to help a stranded boat was tantamount to burning a church in Rome.
The Ragged One ran her trunk tip longingly over the eroded lines of the stranded boat.