It is known from only a few stranded animals.
A single stranded animal can prompt an entire pod to respond to its distress signals and strand alongside it.
An effort was undertaken to save the stranded animals, and various plans were proposed to blow open the passage.
However, they are rarely sighted at sea, so most data come from stranded animals - making a precise range and migration map difficult.
Some stranded animals have been found with plastic bags in their stomachs - which may be a cause for concern.
Many of the stranded animals are severely dehydrated, and thirty to forty percent below a normal body weight.
The unit, which is always on call to rescue injured or stranded marine animals, covers the northeastern coastline.
It is known from only a few stranded animals and a single confirmed sighting of a juvenile off Western Australia.
Through this program, the center rescues, treats, and releases stranded animals.
Hunters club the stranded animals to death and sell the valuable meat and skins.