He said the flood waters did not seem to recede today and that it appeared people would be stranded for several more days.
Members of a prospecting syndicate were stranded for four days waiting to cross the creek when the waters started to subside.
By the time Mrs. Thakur was allowed to join them, the children had been stranded with strangers in Bangladesh for 10 days.
During his career he survived plane crashes, made a flight to China in a small open aircraft, and was once stranded for five days after a forced landing.
The format saw 16 18-24-year-olds stranded on Moturakau for 68 days and 67 nights, when they were eventually picked up by a sailing boat.
Instead, we were stranded for six days without food or water.
Asked if New York is a good or bad place to be stranded for three days Reekie replied: "It's all right.
On Sept. 11, he was traveling in Europe and was stranded for five days.
He and a friend were stranded for two days in a remote hut after 8ft of snow fell.
Max Lutzow later became seriously ill after being stranded for 2 days in a boat during a storm.