Nick felt the moment when the leader would break if the strain increased and let the line go.
To the contrary, the strain on the American troops in Anbar has increased.
As the elderly population increases, the strain on families and the medical community will also increase.
The strains have increased since the end of Communist rule in 1989.
Being overweight places a strain on your heart and increases your risk of high blood pressure.
In the first seven years of the study, resistant strains increased slowly, then peaked and fell back to about 25 per cent.
In his view, "strain" would increase as the eyes adjust to the correction in front of them.
Since the takeover, those strains have only increased.
A cough or other strain with exercise suddenly increases the pressure in the fluid around the brain.
The strain only increased after the birth of her daughter, Yael, the first of three children, in 1968.