Recently, a high-level ceftriaxone-resistant strain of gonorrhea, called H041, was discovered in Japan.
The yellow fever virus vaccine, a live-attenuated strain called 17D, is probably the safest and most effective vaccine ever generated.
Some strains, called multidrug resistant, are immune to the effects of more than one drug.
One strain, called "drowsy" scrapie, made affected animals act sleepy.
A NEW strain of term insurance, called return of premium, is getting mixed reviews.
The strain, called ET5, strikes older children and young adults, while the better-known variety mostly affects infants and toddlers.
Within rotavirus A there are different strains, called serotypes.
First, a new strain of the virus, called A(H5N1), has emerged, and humans have little or no immunity to it.
A man's voice, deep, bass, cultured, but bearing a thread of strain and agitation, called, "Tach?
Still, to make extra money, he was toying with participating in an Ecstasy deal - involving a strain called Aladdin's Lamp.