Many lyrics suggest internal narratives more than straightforward storytelling; themes of secrecy, isolation and escape resurface throughout the album.
Mitchell, however, seems to have hit upon dream sequences as a way to liberate himself from the drudgery of straightforward storytelling.
Sacred Games is straightforward storytelling where The English Patient is oblique.
The film combines straightforward storytelling with periodic interruptions of the soundtrack, during which the action continues, but a narrator provides additional details and context about the characters, events, or setting depicted.
Readers who expect straightforward storytelling might call "On the Rez" disjointed, but most of the joints are in fact well made.
In The Lost Musicians (1950) Heinesen leaves the social realism of his earlier works behind, instead giving himself over to straightforward storytelling.
LaBan is known for his sympathetic and believable characters, real-life dialogue, tight cartoon style and straightforward storytelling.
But "Fug You," a book of more straightforward storytelling and documentation, may be the master source.
Lurid as this is, it soon gives way to the more straightforward storytelling that Mr. Spielberg handles with greater ease.
The group's opponents have been treating the lyrics as straightforward storytelling, and they are anything but.