This is normally a straightforward and reversible procedure for most webcams.
Although the building is estimated to weigh 3,700 tons, engineering executives say the move will be a relatively straightforward procedure.
In most cases, umbilicoplasty is a very straightforward procedure.
Some clinic directors decided it was not enough to treat abortion as a straightforward medical procedure.
If you have exposed and dealt with all their objections, this could be a straightforward procedure.
When an individual wants to take a tax deduction for interest payments, it is usually a straightforward procedure.
As such, an apparently straightforward procedure is not as simple as it might at first seem.
Landing and recovery was a straightforward procedure in calm waters, but could be very difficult if the conditions were rough.
By a fairly straightforward procedure, a "standard error" is calculated.
It is not necessarily such a straightforward procedure to integrate long-term unemployed young people back into society.