The dog should have a double coat and a straight tail - curly tails are considered a fault.
The long straight or curved tail, well covered with hair, should almost reach the ground.
Because people know that the overall odds are 50-50, they underestimate how often three straight tails or four straight heads turn up.
The straight tail begins thickly at the base and then tapers to a point at the end.
It is differentiated from other ovine lungworms by its larger size and straight tail.
The pigs are black, sometimes with white markings, and have a straight tail.
It is easily recognized by its straight unswept tail.
They also have long, narrow heads and snouts, straight tails, are relatively small and very athletic.
Bold, firm writing, with the straight tails of letters like y and g slicing down the page.
Most cats here have a long, straight tail, probably like Sammy's.