But the sponsors of the Assembly bill, along with news organizations, have stoutly resisted the move.
It is easy to see why the conventional wisdom resists so stoutly such a change.
However, the lower order resisted stoutly and they ended at 215 early on the third morning; Lindwall took 5/70.
Labor leaders, who have stoutly resisted layoffs and more productive work rules, need to think of the city's future.
But chairman Greenspan has stoutly resisted even the least suggestion of change.
Even if other interest rates rise, "municipals would stoutly resist any upward pressure," he said.
Courts usually understand the principle well; judges stoutly and properly resist efforts to learn what goes on at their decision conferences.
I mention the 2004 fires, which ravaged everything that had stoutly resisted the raging fire of 2003.
He stoutly resisted these demands and campaigned for the retention of the tramways.
Caulet was one of the few bishops who stoutly resisted the royal encroachment.