One look at Gast's expression was enough to dismay the stoutest heart.
The stoutest heart would have been appalled by the tone in which he spoke.
I think the stoutest heart there felt a momentary chill when those words were uttered.
I see little choice there, other than stout walls and stouter hearts.
One look out the windows was enough to turn the stoutest heart to paste.
Something about a deserted house at midnight to dismay the stoutest heart - but nonsense!
The outlook from Sevilla was one that might have appalled the stoutest heart.
The thought of following her in this horrid journey was enough to quail the stoutest heart.
But as the day wore on, even the stoutest hearts began to succumb to grief.
To traverse his last 40-odd years in detail was a task to daunt the stoutest heart.