In short, a stunning novel that attested to its 24-year-old author's astonishing storytelling gifts and narrative reach.
Nor do paeans to his storytelling gifts: after all, he lifted most of his plots from pre-existing works.
"Ms. See brings to this memoir many of the storytelling gifts that are evident in her fiction," our reviewer, Linda Gray Sexton, wrote last year.
Such is the power of Cuneta's storytelling gift and emotive ability".
It obviously takes a special storytelling gift to lend credibility to this sort of fantasy, plus a certain boyish esprit to make it fun.
The author's research and storytelling gifts provide important documentation for the composer's private life and career, but that is not the same thing as illuminating his art.
The man was no seanchai, but the storytelling gift had brushed his tongue in passing, and the men listened to him with breath-held interest.
Given her own storytelling gift, Ginsberg easily counters the suggestion that her plot is schematic.
Praising the author's "superlative storytelling gifts" in these pages last year, Claire Messud called this "a mystery story, a psychological exploration and a novel of ideas."