Added up, Ladwin's story produced an obvious face value.
From 1964 the stories were all original & produced in South Africa.
His comedies and various stories have produced a series of catchphrases, many of which are still present in both cultural reference.
A total of 234 individual stories were produced, three per each half-hour episode.
She knew that such a story would produce slow investigation, enabling the crooks to clear town before the police bagged them.
His story has produced anger and puzzlement, defensiveness and tears.
I hate franchise games because they always compromise the story to produce a game that hits their key demographics or delivers on studio demands.
This year's three categories of children's, pre-adult and adult short stories produced 27 winners in all.
Great stories and great games produce great ratings, even when the markets are not in the top 10 or 20.
In addition, as the present needs of the storyteller change over time, it is not expected that later stories will produce the same results.