The Dog's Tale contains the story of their meeting as puppies.
The story of his meeting with Charles at Louvain Station was just what Clarissa wanted to hear.
The daughter asks Rachel's father to recall the story of their meeting, which he does.
Quickly Folly summed up the story of her meeting with Luke.
Barnard liked telling the story of their meeting.
Many years later, Sharp recalled the story of his meeting with Clapton:
Many times when I was growing up, I asked Mother to tell me the story of their meeting, courting, and marriage.
George Stephanopoulos later recounted that Clinton told him a different story of his meeting with Hamzy.
The story of their meeting at a Paris dinner party is legendary.
Putting her head against his, she bravely told the whole story of her meeting with Alec d'Urberville and its results.