Jomar's story of his own capture told how that power could be used.
A small plaque in the center of the cave gives visitors the story of her capture by native Americans.
And he would not oppose the leaking of the story of Jugurtha's capture.
Mrs Rothman might have bought the story of his capture and escape, but her eyes were still on him.
But the story of the Pueblo's capture also offers a hint of how to proceed.
The girl's captor narrated once more the story of her capture.
He was very interested in the story of their capture and escape, which they gladly told him, but neither mentioned the dream about Christopher.
There, with the treasure in front of them and the moon above them, Catherine told the story of her capture.
He expressed surprise when he heard the story of Seard's capture.
Blade did not mind at all telling the king the story of his capture and escape-and what he learned in Rulam.