In the late 80s, Harmony Gold dubbed the series' initial four-part story as an edited "TV movie" simply entitled Captain Future.
In 2001, NewsChannel 5, a local Nashville news station, aired a story entitled, "Is it a ministry or just big business?"
In 1907, a story entitled "Sexton Blake's Honour" dealt with Blake's pursuit of a criminal who turned out to be his brother, Henry Blake.
One of Michael Keating's first prominent roles was as Goudry in a 1977 Doctor Who story, entitled The Sun Makers.
A story entitled "MS Found In A Bottle", is a curious and haunting tale of anniliation and attracts them all.
The basic story and many details of the plot of As You Like It come from a pastoral romance by Thomas Lodge entitled Rosalynde.
The issue of Life Magazine that went out on 10 February 1941 included a story entitled: "Mussolini Takes a Bad Licking in Africa."
Or, from, August 8, 2011, a story entitled Digitally Connecting Through Surround-Sound Marketing.
He also appeared as the Emperor Nero, a comic turn in the early Doctor Who story entitled The Romans opposite William Hartnell.
A story entitled King of the Peak - A Derbyshire Tale, written by Allan Cunningham, was published in the London Magazine in 1822.