The story delves between two linear timelines, one in the 1970s the other the 1990s, and explores elements of drugs, murder and quantum physical philosophy.
The story delves into Japanese culture and lore, while also maintaining all of the modernities of the 21st Century, which is when the story takes place.
Later stories delve into the reign of the mad dictator Jean-Bédel Bokassa.
The story delves on the relationship between fathers and sons and the unbreakable bond that exists between them.
The story delves intricately into the ups and downs of the lives of his uncle and aunt.
The stories all delve into different aspects of self and identity.
Whereas the 1960s stories were basically 1950s sitcom plots in a futuristic setting, the 1980s stories delved into fantastic, sci-fi cartoon territory.
The Compulsive Reader stated that the story "delves both into faerie lore and Evie's own nature, which is not only fascinating, but suspenseful."
Wright's story delves into her darkest thoughts and feelings and tells of love, loss, friendship, wealth, poverty and her eventual recovery from her addiction.
The story also delves into other territory.